Physical Education
We actively engage our students in the area of physical sports through a series of structured modules, encompassing a variety of sports categories, including striking-fielding, net barrier, target, and invasion games.
Students are evaluated in three key domains: the physical domain, which gauges their technical and tactical proficiencies; the cognitive domain, which assesses their understanding of game knowledge and concepts; and the affective domain, which appraises their attitudes and behavior displayed during the modules.
Sports Day
As the final event to the year-long Inter House Challenge, students could contribute significantly to their house’s standing through their active participation such as the Fitness Challenge. Students from each house engaged in a series of demanding exercises and endurance tests.
Sports Education Programme
Students are exposed to sports such as Goalball, Kin-Ball, Archery Tag and Human Foosball through the SEP Challenge. This is a collaborative partnership with Sport Singapore (SportSG). It aims to advocate the importance of sports education, encourage sports participation in schools and increase sporting opportunities for the young.